Canadian Blood Services is excited to share that we will resume cord blood banking on Oct. 17, 2022, following a temporary suspension due to a global shortage of cord blood processing kits.
Sept.29, 2022 (OTTAWA) – Canadian Blood Services is entering a significant chapter of our truth and reconciliation journey this week, with the public release of our organization’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).
JUNE 13, 2022 (OTTAWA) – Fewer regular donors during the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the smallest donor base in a decade and has stalled efforts by Canadian Blood Services to replenish a critically low national blood inventory.
Canadian Blood Services’ goal is to ensure the safety and sufficiency of Canada’s blood and plasma supplies while also maximizing participation in Canada’s Lifeline. One way we do this is by regularly reviewing our eligibility criteria against the latest scientific evidence, as well as advancements
MAY 17, 2022 (OTTAWA) – Canadian Blood Services is feeling the strain to collect blood, platelets, and plasma following an increase in appointment cancellations and low attendance at donor centres across Canada.
April 28, 2022 (OTTAWA) — Canadian Blood Services is pleased to share that Health Canada has approved our request to remove eligibility criteria specific to men who have sex with men and instead focus on sexual behaviour associated with higher risk of infection among all donors.