Research. Education. Discovery.

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Our Research, Education, and Discovery Blog is a showcase for our work as well as the basic science behind what we do. Here we invite readers to explore the worlds of transfusion and transplantation science and learn more about how our research leads to improved everyday practices and ultimately – and most importantly – better outcomes for patients. 

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391 News items showing
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12th annual Norman Bethune Symposium showcases breadth of ongoing research

Mardi, juin 25, 2024
The Centre for Blood Research (CBR) Norman Bethune Symposium gathers scientists, clinicians, healthcare professionals, and trainees to discuss advancements in the field of blood research. The 12th Annual event, held in April 2024, consisted of expert talks on thalassemia, thrombocytopenia, sickle cell disease, and other bleeding disorders, demonstrating the breadth of ongoing research.
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ORBCoN recaps the 19th Annual Transfusion Medicine Educational Symposium and Workshop

Mardi, juin 18, 2024
Since 2007, the Ontario Regional Blood Coordinating Network (ORBCoN) and Canadian Blood Services have partnered in hosting an annual Transfusion Medicine Education Symposium and Workshop for transfusion health-care professionals with the primary objective of providing best practice information on blood transfusion to healthcare staff in community and rural hospitals across Ontario. In this blog, Valérie Rhéaume of ORBCoN provides a summary of the most recent event, held in April 2024.
Dr Harinad Maganti standing in a overpass with a lab coat
Canadian Blood Services researcher studies potential treatment for sickle cell disease

Jeudi, juin 13, 2024
A new kind of proposed treatment for sickle cell disease—one that removes the need for a compatible donor—is being studied by Dr. Harinad Maganti, a scientist at Canadian Blood Services.
Blood from a diverse donor base is critical for those living with sickle cell disease
Sickle cell disease and the need for blood from African, Caribbean and Black communities

Mardi, juin 11, 2024
Community-based research highlights the priorities and barriers to blood donation of African, Caribbean and Black communities to helps to show a path towards a greater ability to meet the needs of patients, including those with sickle cell disease
Line drawing of a stethoscope
Canadian Blood Services supports development of updated clinical guideline on transfusion for hemoglobinopathies

Vendredi, juin 07, 2024
Since 2018, Canadian Blood Services has supported the development of evidence-based guidelines on red blood cell transfusion in patients with hemoglobinopathies through its work with the International Collaboration for Transfusion Medicine Guidelines (ICTMG). Hemoglobinopathies include sickle cell disease, thalassemia and other conditions that affect the structure, chemistry, or production of red blood cells. This blog describes recent efforts to update the ICTMG’s hemoglobinopathies guideline.
Dr Bill Sheffield in the overpass
Countdown to CSTM 2024: A return to the “City of Bridges”

Jeudi, mai 16, 2024
Canadian Blood Services is looking forward to connecting with members of the transfusion community at CSTM 2024, happening this month in Saskatoon! In this third post in a series of blogs counting down to CSTM 2024, Dr. William (Bill) Sheffield shares what he’s looking forward to about this year’s events.

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