Our Research Publications

Updated August 2024

Title Authors Year Sort ascending Journal Link to Article Intended Audience Purpose
Progress in RNAi-mediated Molecular Therapy of Acute and Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Landry B, Valencia-Serna J, Gul-Uludag H, Jiang X, Janowska-Wieczorek A, Brandwein J, Uludag H 2015 Mol Ther Nucleic Acids Researchers Other
A Comparative Study of McFarland Turbidity Standards and the Densimat Photometer to Determine Bacterial Cell Density Zapata A, Ramirez-Arcos S 2015 Curr Microbiol Blood operators New or improved product or process
HbM methaemoglobinaemia as a rare case of early neonatal benign cyanosis Elboraee MS, Clarke G, Belletrutti MJ, Escoredo S 2015 BMJ Case Reports Health care providers Clinical research
Low-dose decitabine promotes megakaryocyte maturation and platelet production in healthy controls and immune thrombocytopenia Zhou H, Hou Y, Liu X, Qiu J, Feng Q, Wang Y, Zhang X, Min Y, Shao L, Liu X, Li G, Li L, Yang L, Xu S, Ni H, Peng J, Hou M 2015 Thromb Haemost Researchers Basic research
Plasma transfusion trials and tribulations Shih A, Arnold DM 2015 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
ResearchUnit: Novel discovery reveals new diagnostic markers and treatment targets for bleeding disorder Ni H 2015 Blood.ca website Other Other
C-reactive protein enhances murine antibody-mediated transfusion-related acute lung injury Kapur R, Kim M, Shanmugabhavananthan S, Liu J, Li Y, Semple JW 2015 Blood Researchers Basic research
Exploratory studies on the age of transfused blood and in-hospital mortality in patients with cardiovascular diagnoses Heddle NM, Eikelboom J, Liu Y, Barty R, Cook RJ 2015 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Nouvelle cuisine: platelets served with inflammation Kapur R, Zufferey A, Boilard E, Semple JW 2015 J Immunol Researchers Basic research
Peanut and fish allergy due to platelet transfusion in a child Ching JC, Lau W, Hannach B, Upton JE 2015 CMAJ Health care providers Clinical research
2015 proceedings of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's State of the Science in Transfusion Medicine symposium Spitalnik SL, Triulzi D, Devine DV, Dzik WH, Eder AF, Gernsheimer T, Josephson CD, Kor DJ, Luban NLC, Roubinian NH, Mondoro T, Welniak LA, Zou S, Glynn S, for the State of the Science in Transfusion Medicine Working G 2015 Transfusion Other Other
Differential Expression Analysis by RNA-Seq Reveals Perturbations in the Platelet mRNA Transcriptome Triggered by Pathogen Reduction Systems Osman A, Hitzler WE, Ameur A, Provost P 2015 PLoS One Researchers Basic research
Mesenchymal stromal cells from patients with acute myeloid leukemia have altered capacity to expand differentiated hematopoietic progenitors Chandran P, Le Y, Li Y, Sabloff M, Mehic J, Rosu-Myles M, Allan DS 2015 Leuk Res Researchers Basic research
Platelets in hemostasis and thrombosis: Novel mechanisms of fibrinogen-independent platelet aggregation and fibronectin-mediated protein wave of hemostasis Hou Y, Carrim N, Wang Y, Gallant RC, Marshall A, Ni H 2015 J Biomed Res Researchers Basic research
Subunit-directed click coupling via doubly cross-linked hemoglobin efficiently produces readily purified functional bis-tetrameric oxygen carriers Singh S, Dubinsky-Davidchik IS, Yang Y, Kluger R 2015 Org Biomol Chem Researchers Basic research
Bare Bones: A Return to Anatomy for Teaching Bone Marrow Biopsy and Aspirate Procedures Zeller MP, Goldszmidt M, Cristancho S, Johnson M, Creces D, Mangel J 2015 MedEdPORTAL Publications Health care providers Other
Buffy coat (top/bottom)- and whole-blood filtration (top/top)-produced red cell concentrates differ in size of extracellular vesicles Bicalho B, Pereira AS, Acker JP 2015 Vox Sang Researchers Basic research
Evaluation of CONSORT compliance in TRANSFUSION Jaffer AM, Wang G, Barty RL, Shih AW 2015 Transfusion Researchers Other
HDFN and Perinatal Immune Thrombocytopenia Webert K, Hume H, Revised by Clarke G and Hannon J. 2015 Clinical Guide to Transfusion Health care providers Other
In silico analysis suggests interaction between Ebola virus and the extracellular matrix Veljkovic V, Glisic S, Muller CP, Scotch M, Branch DR, Perovic VR, Sencanski M, Veljkovic N, Colombatti A 2015 Front Microbiol Researchers Basic research
Sialidase inhibition to increase platelet counts: A new treatment option for thrombocytopenia Jansen AJG, Peng J, Zhao H-G, Hou M, Ni H 2015 Am J Hematol Health care providers Clinical research
Toward Efficient Enzymes for the Generation of Universal Blood through Structure-Guided Directed Evolution Kwan DH, Constantinescu I, Chapanian R, Higgins MA, Kotzler MP, Samain E, Boraston AB, Kizhakkedathu JN, Withers SG 2015 J Am Chem Soc Researchers New or improved product or process
Fluorous Analogue of Chloramine-T: Preparation, X-ray Structure Determination, and Use as an Oxidant for Radioiodination and s-Tetrazine Synthesis Dzandzi JPK, Beckford Vera DR, Genady AR, Albu SA, Eltringham-Smith LJ, Capretta A, Sheffield WP, Valliant JF 2015 J Org Chem Researchers Basic research
Novel evidence that pituitary gonadotropins directly stimulate human leukemic cells-studies of myeloid cell lines and primary patient AML and CML cells Abdelbaset-Ismail A, Borkowska S, Janowska-Wieczorek A, Tonn T, Rodriguez C, Moniuszko M, Bolkun L, Koloczko J, Eljaszewicz A, Ratajczak J, Ratajczak MZ, Kucia M 2015 Oncotarget Researchers Basic research
ResearchUnit: Single site solution: engineering novel antibodies for the treatment of ITP Lazarus A 2015 Blood.ca website Other Other
Extraction of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and carbonic anhydrase from stroma-free red blood cell hemolysate for the preparation of the nanobiotechnological complex of polyhemoglobin-superoxide dismutase-catalase-carbonic anhydrase Guo C, Gynn M, Chang T 2015 Artif Cells Nanomed Biotechnol Researchers Basic research
Generic immunosuppression in solid organ transplantation: systematic review and meta-analysis Molnar AO, Fergusson D, Tsampalieros AK, Bennett A, Fergusson N, Ramsay T, Knoll GA 2015 BMJ Health care providers Clinical research
Impact of platelet transfusion on toxicity and mortality after hematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation Christou G, Kekre N, Petrcich W, Tokessy M, Neurath D, Giulivi A, Saidenberg E, McDiarmid S, Atkins H, Bence-Bruckler I, Bredeson C, Huebsch L, Sabloff M, Sheppard D, Tay J, Tinmouth A, Allan DS 2015 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Red blood cell replacement, or nanobiotherapeutics with enhanced red blood cell functions? Chang TMS 2015 Artif Cells Nanomed Biotechnol Researchers Basic research
Circular of information for the use of human blood components: Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells (HPC), Cord Blood Jenkins C 2015 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Elevated Abundance, Size, and MicroRNA Content of Plasma Extracellular Vesicles in Viremic HIV-1+ Patients: Correlations With Known Markers of Disease Progression Hubert A, Subra C, Jenabian MA, Tremblay Labrecque PF, Tremblay C, Laffont B, Provost P, Routy JP, Gilbert C 2015 J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Researchers Basic research
IgG-Mediated Immune Suppression to Erythrocytes by Polyclonal Antibodies Can Occur in the Absence of Activating or Inhibitory Fc? Receptors in a Full Mouse Model Bernardo L, Yu H, Amash A, Zimring JC, Lazarus AH 2015 J Immunol Researchers Basic research
In silico analysis suggests repurposing of ibuprofen for prevention and treatment of EBOLA virus disease Veljkovic V, Goeijenbier M, Glisic S, Veljkovic N, Perovic VR, Sencanski M, Branch DR, Paessler S 2015 F1000Res Researchers Basic research
Part 2: Evidence Evaluation and Management of Conflicts of Interest: 2015 American Heart Association Guidelines Update for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Morrison LJ, Gent LM, Lang E, Nunnally ME, Parker MJ, Callaway CW, Nadkarni VM, Fernandez AR, Billi JE, Egan JR, Griffin RE, Shuster M, Hazinski MF 2015 Circulation Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Regenerative Therapy and Immune Modulation Using Umbilical Cord Blood-Derived Cells Damien P, Allan DS 2015 Biol Blood Marrow Transplant Health care providers Other
The entity of immunoglobulin A-related anaphylactic transfusion reactions is not evidence based Sandler SG, Eder AF, Goldman M, Winters JL 2015 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
L'étude ABLE : un essai clinique randomisé sur l'effet de la durée d'entreposage des concentrés érythrocytaires transfusés en réanimation Lacroix J, Hébert PC, Fergusson D, Tinmouth A, Capellier G, Tiberghien P, Bardiaux L 2015 Transfus Clin Biol Health care providers Clinical research
Prevention of surface-induced thrombogenesis on poly(vinyl chloride) Fedorov K, Jankowski A, Sheikh S, Blaszykowski C, Reheman A, Romaschin A, Ni H, Thompson M 2015 J Mater Chem B Mater Biol Med Researchers Basic research
Raman spectroscopy of stored red blood cells: evaluating clinically-relevant biochemical markers in donated blood Atkins CG, Buckley K, Chen D, Schulze HG, Devine DV, Blades MW, Turner RFB 2015 Clin Biomed Spectrosc Imag IV Researchers New or improved product or process
ResearchUnit: ABO...K? Investigating if young females need more than ABO-compatible blood Goldman M 2015 Blood.ca website Other Other
Age of transfused blood in critically ill adults Lacroix J, Hebert PC, Fergusson DA, Tinmouth A, Cook DJ, Marshall JC, Clayton L, McIntyre L, Callum J, Turgeon AF, Blajchman MA, Walsh TS, Stanworth SJ, Campbell H, Capellier G, Tiberghien P, Bardiaux L, van de Watering L, van der Meer NJ, Sabri E, Vo D 2015 N Engl J Med Health care providers Clinical research
Back to Anatomy: Improving Landmarking Accuracy of Clinical Procedures Using a Novel Approach to Procedural Teaching Zeller M, Cristancho S, Mangel J, Goldszmidt M 2015 South Med J Health care providers Other
Comparison of mammalian and bacterial expression library screening to detect recombinant alpha-1 proteinase inhibitor variants with enhanced thrombin inhibitory capacity? Gierczak RF, Bhakta V, Xie M, Sheffield WP 2015 J Biotechnol Researchers Basic research
Human Endothelial Colony-Forming Cells Protect against Acute Kidney Injury: Role of Exosomes Burger D, Viñas JL, Akbari S, Dehak H, Knoll W, Gutsol A, Carter A, Touyz RM, Allan DS, Burns KD 2015 Am J Pathol Researchers Basic research
Prophylactic transfusion for pregnant women with sickle cell disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis Malinowski AK, Shehata N, D'Souza R, Kuo KHM, Ward R, Shah PS, Murphy K 2015 Blood Health care providers Clinical research
Treatment decision-making among Canadian youth with severe haemophilia: a qualitative approach Lane SJ, Walker I, Chan AK, Heddle NM, Poon MC, Minuk L, Jardine L, Arnold E, Sholapur N, Webert KE 2015 Haemophilia Health care providers Clinical research
BEST-TEST2: assessment of hematology trainee knowledge of transfusion medicine Lin Y, Tinmouth A, Mallick R, Haspel RL, for the BEST-TEST2 Investigators 2015 Transfusion Other Other
Hemodialysis for the treatment of dabigatran-associated bleeding: a case report and systematic review Chai-Adisaksopha C, Hillis C, Lim W, Boonyawat K, Moffat K, Crowther M 2015 J Thromb Haemost Health care providers Clinical research
Major arterial events in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors: a meta-analysis Chai-Adisaksopha C, Lam W, Hillis C 2015 Leuk Lymphoma Health care providers Clinical research
Rights and interests in human bodies and biological materials Toews M, Caulfield T, Nelson E, Ogbogu U, Hartell D 2015 Canadian National Transplant Research Program Fast Policy Facts: Human Bodies and Biological Materials Other Other