Donating platelets
How platelets work
Platelets are small fragments of cells that circulate through the blood vessels. When a blood vessel is damaged, platelets recognize the disruption, cluster over the area of damage and help form a clot over the hole to stop bleeding. Often, platelets alone will not be able to stop the bleeding. They also release hormones that allow other blood clotting proteins to help with forming a strong clot.

What happens when you donate platelets?
Platelets are donated through a process called plateletpheresis, which is much more efficient than gathering platelets from whole blood donations. A single platelet treatment would require six to eight whole blood donors instead of just one plateletpheresis donor.
Every platelet donation follows the same steps , starting first with registration, then screening, donation and after-care.
To learn more about the donation process, read the donor brochure: What you must know to donate plasma or platelets
Matching platelet donors and recipients
HLA platelet matching
The body’s defense system (immune system) can recognize platelets from a donor as being foreign because of markers on the platelets called Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) and Human Platelet Antigens (HPA). People who receive multiple platelet transfusions can sometimes develop antibodies against the foreign HLA and HPA. These antibodies attack and destroy transfused platelets. In these uncommon situations, ‘platelet typing’ becomes crucial, allowing matching for HLA and HPA markers. Matching is about finding a donor whose platelets would function in the recipient’s body. The odds of finding a match this close are one in four among family members and one in 10,000 among donors.
If you’re found to be a match, you could be asked to make several donations in a short period of time. Donors typically receive a few days' notice but, in an emergency, we may ask you to make your special donation on short notice.

FAQs: Platelet donations
For questions related to COVID-19, see our COVID-19 page for details.
Am I eligible to donate platelets?
Any healthy individual who meets our eligibility criteria can donate platelets. However, because of the specific requirements for donating platelets, pre-testing and assessment during a whole blood appointment is required before an individual becomes a plateletpheresis donor.
Donors can give platelets every two weeks. Ask us about donating platelets at your next whole blood donation or give us a call at 1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283).
How often can I donate platelets?
You can donate platelets as often as every 14 days. New platelet donors are encouraged to donate once a month.
How long does a platelet donation take?
Each plateletpheresis appointment takes approximately an hour and a half. The donation process is usually about 75 to 100 minutes for a double-unit or platelet-plasma combined donation and about 50 to 75 minutes for a single-unit donation.
Once I start donating platelets, can I still give blood?
Yes, although we recommend you choose just one type of donation to make regularly.
What if I change my mind about donating platelets?
You’re welcome to try different donation programs to see which you like best: whole blood, plasma or platelets. You can also consider joining the Canadian Blood Services Stem Cell Registry.
What if I am not eligible to donate platelets?
Every donation is valuable and helps save lives. We appreciate your generosity and commitment, whatever you’re able to give.
Where can I donate platelets?
Platelet donations are by appointment only and cannot be booked online. If you are thinking of making your first platelet donation or want to book an appointment, call your local donor centre.
Can I donate apheresis plasma at the same time as platelets?
Yes. As with a whole blood donation, we insert a needle into your arm and draw blood from your body. But instead of going straight into a collection bag, the blood passes through a centrifuge that separates out your platelets and plasma. The rest of the blood flows back into your body through the same needle. In rare circumstances, it may not be possible to draw plasma at the same time as platelets.