Sirens for Life – Emergency Personnel Roll Up their Sleeves to Kick Off Annual Recruitment Event

May marked the launch of the Sirens for Life campaign in several donor centres across BC. Thanks to the support of our emergency services partners and their communities, recipients from across the province shared their stories in support of this campaign.
In Vancouver, Sgt. John Jasmins of Delta Police shared his experience as a blood recipient and father of three young children. Jasmins is on the road to recovery after being injured in an off-duty incident in February when he intervened in a violent assault. Jasmins required emergency surgery and six blood transfusions to repair internal bleeding.

In the BC Interior, Maddux, aged 10, and our youngest blood champion, shared the story of how blood donations have impacted his family over generations. The story included his grandparents first date at a blood donor centre and the blood donations that saved his dad’s life after a serious car accident. Today, Maddux organizes blood donation events because of the impact donors have had on his family. To date, he has held had eight events and recruited over 200 donations.