An evaluation of learner perspectives and outcomes following completion of the transfusion medicine area of focused competence

The training of future specialists in transfusion medicine in Canada is important to ensuring the sustainability and ongoing productivity of Canadian Blood Services. Five years ago, the training program for transfusion medicine began requiring more documentation of specific experiences and clinical exposure, as part of a broader change in medical education across Canada called “competency-based education.” This change involved more active participation and assessments from trainees, faculty members, and laboratory staff. It remains unclear to what extent this new “portfolio” of experiences has affected the development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of transfusion medicine trainees.
In this study, our objective is to describe how this portfolio promotes the development of transfusion specialists, with the goal of highlighting which aspects of their training are most helpful in advancing their clinical, research, and academic success. We will also determine which areas in the curriculum and training program require improvement. This work will primarily involve interviews with current and prior transfusion medicine trainees. At study’s completion we will present our findings to the training committee and Canadian Blood Services, so that any adjustments to the training program can be made for the benefit of future trainees, and ultimately, for the Canadian blood system.
Principal Investigator / Supervisor
TSENG, Eric Kuo
Co-Investigator(s) / Trainee
ZELLER, Michelle
McMaster University
Qualitative Education Funding
Total Amount Awarded
Project Start Date
Project End Date