Thank you donors!

My story starts with my husband being a donor and me being very proud of him and his magic O blood.

Next my take... i had weight-loss surgery 6 years ago and my body no longer absorbes iron, I get iron infusions for life. Recently my hemoglobin dropped to 61, i was blacking out dizzy and unable to function. My doctor sent me to emergency room to have it addressed, as I didnt realize how dangerously low I was until the lovely staff in Devon Alberta advised me of heart failure, organ failure and even death.... that being said the doctor said blood transfusion followed by 5 iron infusions. Someone donated some A+ which is now helping me get to a safe level so that I can get my body back under control. Without them Im not sure where I would be or the outcome... something so little as donating blood has saved so many and helped so many others. So thank you to my husband and people like him taking the time to help yall are heros!!!


Edmonton, Alberta

Icon of blood bag