Placenta percreta/increta survivor

Baby Marvella feisty and fierce and mighty. Very rough pregnancy. Wasn't sure we would even meet her. what started out as possibly choriangioma a mass non cancerous to placental lakes to 26 weeks pregnant finding out I have placenta previa and Placenta acreta which was actually Placenta percreta increta where the placenta attached to my old c section scar and attacked my bladder. I had major hemmorage at 28 weeks 3 days as I was sitting in triage for bleeding. I was rushed to or emergency c stion hysterectomy and bladder repair. I received 13 bags of blood as well as plasma and platelets. I was really sick and in ICU when I woke up from surgery. When I went to 8th floor I started getting more sick when trying to eat foods. I had the cathedar for 2 weeks and got a uti. At 10 days post surgery as staples were removed it was noticed that there was infection in the wound and it had not closed properly so a wound vac dressing was put in and dressing changes 3 days a week at home and carrying a vac machine everywhere I go while also learning to walk again. 24 days in hospital and left hospital with a walker. There were days I wanted so badly to walk but couldn't breathe or pain was so bad. I worked daily with Physio walking a bit more each day. I left hospital on wednesday March 1 and then on Sunday wasn't feeling well all day so I was admitted until Wednesday on antibiotics as they assumed infection. I cried so many days in hospital wanting to be home with my kids and husband so bad. Marvella was doing fantastic and off oxygen after a week in Nicu so I needed to focus on my own recovery. Now Marvella is at Gatineau hospital close to me and I stay on weekends so I can make up lost time and learn her routines. You don't realize you almost died til later suddenly the post trauma of everything hits you in a wave the day your alone in your room relieving your birth that you were asleep for and woke up in ICU in tears. I didn't sleep for weeks so I needed sleeping pills.

NOTE: Patients at hospitals in Quebec receive blood and blood products through Héma-Québec. Quebec residents are eligible to donate at both Héma-Québec and Canadian Blood Services donor centres.


Gatineau, Quebec

Woman with walker and face shield in hospital hallway