I wouldn't be here...

I give blood with enthusiasm. Every chance I get. Why? Because when I was 11 years old, I was in a very bad bicycle accident. It was a severe head injury and my skull was crushed.

I was rushed to hospital for brain surgery and still not expected to make it through the day. But I did. The prognosis was still bad and I wasn't expected to last the week. But I did. It was called a miracle case because I walked out of the hospital after 7 days. I have since then, gotten married, had 3 wonderful children, become a Scout Leader, become a Scuba Diving instructor and a whole host of other things.

None of the things I have done... and I'm far from done, would have happened if it wasn't for the generosity of people who gave blood to save my life. I will forever be grateful and forever do all i can to repay them. I will never know who they are. But I will repay them by doing the same as they did. That is the way that I can show my appreciation and pay tribute to what they did for me. So I give and I give as often as I can and I give with gratitude and enthusiasm.

I am a donor. I am a recipient. I am blessed.


Ingersoll, Ontario

Man in hat and sunglasses outdoors with coffee cup