Critical Values
Diagnostic Services AB/NWT considers certain test results to be “critical values”. Critical result values will be reviewed by the Canadian Blood Services Medical Director / designate and verbally communicated to the requesting facility laboratory, responsible nurse and/or responsible physician as appropriate.
AB-NWT Test Interpretation - Critical Values (PDF)
Test Interpretation - Critical Values
Crossmatch Testing
- Unmatched units have been issued and patient was found to have a positive antibody screen upon completion of testing.
- Unmatched units have been issued and are later found to be incompatible upon completion of testing.
- Significant antibody(ies) has/have been identified and we are unable to provide crossmatch compatible units.
- Significant antibody(ies) has/have been identified and it may be difficult to obtain compatible units in the future.
- A hemolytic transfusion reaction is suspected.
Perinatal Testing
- Positive DAT on cord sample requiring that the baby be monitored for signs of jaundice.
- Kleihauer Betke results requiring that greater than 15mL dose of RhIG be administered.
- Anti-K is detected in maternal sample.
- Clinically significant antibody with a titre ≥ 16 in maternal sample.