Isohemagglutinin Titre

Isohemagglutinin Titre MB REF 06 (PDF)

Test description

The titration of Anti-A and Anti-B isoagglutinins is performed as a screening test primarily to monitor engraftment in post hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) patients.

Specimen and requisition requirements

Adults and Children: One (1) full 5-7 ml EDTA (lavender) tube mixed thoroughly by gentle agitation.
Infants: 1ml EDTA (lavender) tube mixed thoroughly by gentle agitation.

Label specimen with the required minimum information: patient’s last name, first name, PHIN or hospital number or other unique identifier, date of collection, facility name, and phlebotomist initials.

Complete Requisition (must include):

  • Patient's last name, first name, date of birth and PHIN or hospital number or other unique identifier
  • Clinic / Facility Name
  • Physician/Health Care Provider name
  • Phlebotomist name, classification, initial
  • Date/time  of collection
  • Name, facility, address, contact number of individual to whom the report will be sent


Request for Miscellaneous Testing Requisition (PDF)

Pre-shipping storage

Recommended Refrigeration 1-10°C.

Shipping instructions

Submit samples as soon as possible after collection.

Ship in a container that will maintain temperature at ≥1°C. 
Select shipping method for container to arrive at testing site within 48 hours.

Note: Protect from freezing.

Send to

Canadian Blood Services
Winnipeg Centre
Diagnostic  Services Crossmatch Laboratory
777 William Ave.
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3R4
Tel: 204-789-1086
Fax: 204-779-8593