Managing COVID-19 cases

Over the past three years we introduced temporary measures and guidelines in response to the changing pandemic environment. These temporary measures have continually been reviewed and reassessed, to ensure they are relevant.

The COVID-19 case management process has been reviewed and it has been determined that it is no longer necessary for employees or supervisors to report positive COVID-19 cases. Moving forward, COVID-19 related absences should be treated as any other medical absence. All medical absences should still be reported to the employee’s supervisor, however in general, employees have no obligation to advise their supervisor of specific medical conditions or diagnoses (including COVID-19) that result in medical absences.

All employees are reminded that they should stay home if they have symptoms of an illness that might be contagious (including COVID-19).

If you have any question relating to this update, or about medical absences, please contact our OHS & EHS team at